We’ve given the client area a fresh lick of paint, along with updates to make it more user-friendly and packed with useful features.
Here’s what’s new:
Marketplace Now Live Browse our growing selection of training courses and tools. We’ll be adding more soon, so if there’s something specific you’re after, drop Dave a line at dave@includability.co.uk.
New Includability Shorts Fresh short-form video content is now available to watch, covering key topics in inclusion, wellbeing, sustainability and more.
Updated Awareness Day Calendar Includes featured days and suggested training or activities to help you build engagement around meaningful moments.
BiLi – Your Chatbot Companion Our brand new Includability chatbot is live. BiLi is trained on expert conversations with Includability Champions and is here to support and inspire on topics such as DEI, wellbeing, leadership and sustainability.
NEW: Impact Report for Gateway and Committed Employers We’ve launched a new sharable quarterly Impact Report for both Gateway and Committed Employers. A simple way to showcase your progress and commitments. - Under the rewards tab
Explore the updates and let us know what you’d like to see next. We're building this space with you, for you.
(If things aren't quite working as you are used or you think you should have access to something you don't please just email james@includability.co.uk
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