Welcome to Includability

The Gym Group

Upcoming Awareness Days

Dyspraxia Week 2024
National Work Life Week 2024
National Hygiene Week 2024

Welcome to Includability

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ICE Points this QTR
ICE Points this year

News & Updates

What's happening at Includability this month

Wednesday, 30th October 2024

📅 Date: Wednesday, 30th October 2024

⏰ Time: 10.30 AM to 11.45 AM (GMT)

💻 Registration Link: Sign up here

We will be featuring 4 amazing Guest Speakers.

Our guest speakers will inspire you with their experiences:

  • Fiona Fleming, Head of EDI at Farrer & Co
  • Laura Slack, B Corp Expert & Includability Partner Expert
  • Stacey Lowman, Co-Founder & Director at Money First Aid
  • Martin Mason, CEO & Co-Founder of TalentMapper & Includability Partner Expert

Never been to one of our ESGs before? Get a snippet of what amazing community can do for your business by clicking the link! 🀗

Media Centre


Melissa Sterling from Halfords

Great tips you need to harness community and network

View shorts here‍

Kaye Moors From DRUM Studios

Simple Tips to Make Your Social Media Posts More Accessible

View shorts here


Please give us your feedback

The 2024 Includability Feedback Survey aims to capture comprehensive information from our committed employers to enhance the effectiveness and reach of our services. This survey is designed to evaluate satisfaction levels across various aspects of our offerings, including the verification process, engagement with our community, access to expert resources, and the overall impact of our initiatives on fostering inclusive workplace cultures. Insights gathered will directly influence future improvements, ensuring Includability continues to lead as a community-based standard for inclusive and sustainable workplace practices.

Start The Survey Here

(Opens in a new window)

Includability Unlocked VP Process

News & Events

October 30, 2024

October Employer Support Group (ESG) 2024

October Employer Support Group (ESG) 2024. Includability delivering community events and support. Includability the home of inclusive organisations.

Read more
signup on eventbrite
November 27, 2024

November Employer Support Group (ESG) 2024

November Employer Support Group (ESG) 2024. Includability delivering community events and support. Includability the home of inclusive organisations.

Read more
signup on eventbrite

Includability Shorts

Your Support

Dave Holby-Wolinski

Includability Co-Founder & CEO

James Pravato

Includability Marketing & BDO

Chris Taylor

Communications and Social Media Manager

Your Checklist

Here is a checklist of how we will be working together whilst you become more aquatinted with what is on offer as a Includability Committed Employer

You're 0 done!
Book Your Demo Call

Your account manager will reach out to you to get this call booked in the diary.

Complete the CCS

Get your Company Commitment Survey Completed and start the Verification Process.

Start the Verification Process

Book calls with our VP partner experts and tell them about all the amazing work you are doing. Remember its a journey and we are here to support you wherever you are.

Diversity & Inclusion with ODiSEE

Chat with Sara Matthews from ODiSEE about your D&I strategy.

Sustainability with Prosperah

Chat with Prosperah about unleashing your purpose with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Talent Management with Unleashed

Chat with Unleashed about Talent Management and how you are working to enhance individual and organisational performance, by unleashing people's potential.

Mental Health with MHC

Chat with the Mental Health Charter about how you are supporting your employees mental health.

Wellbeing with Outliers Wellbeing

Chat with Outliers Wellbeing about how you are supporting your employees wellbeing and the strategies you have in place.

Leadership & Governance with The HR Agency

Chat with The HR Agency about your organisational structure; roles & responsibilities; people & culture; and infrastructure.

Partnership Review with Danny Welsh

Danny will help you look at the partnerships you have in place and use his expertise to suggest areas that you can expand or improve.

Give yourself a hug & a huge round of applause. You are now a Includability Committed Employer!!

You have done it and the VP process is now complete WELL DONE!!

Book A Call to go through your VP Report

Now you have completed the VP process our teams of partner experts will provide some tips and advice to help you on your journey. Our support team will book a call with you to help you plan your journey.

Book A Call with Eye Med

Managed Company Vision Care with Ben Reynolds - Ben will support you around the wellbeing and mental health benefits relating to affordable eye tests and the employee (and legal) responsibilities around it

Download Your Launch Assets

Visit Your Assets to get access to a range of images, logos and social media cards.

Join an Includability ESG

Join us for your monthly FREE Employer Support Group

Announcing partnership

We would love you to celebrate that you are using our platform and are an ICE

Book 30 Day Review

Your success is our success and we want to ensure that Includability is integrated into your workplace. During this review we will look at how we can support you further.

Write a Testimonial

We love to not only celebrate the amazing work you are doing but also promote the value of the Includability Verification Process and the Community.

Book 90 Day Review

This is where we will check in to make sure everything has gone smoothly and your have found all the information you need.


Includability Unlocked VP Process

You are amazing

The Gym Group

Once compiled your VP report will appear here. In this report, you will discover the brilliant strides in fostering a diverse, sustainable, and inclusive work environment you are making. Highlighted are both the achievements and exciting Growth Opportunities awaiting exploration.

Your Verification Process

Total ICE Points
ICE Points this QTR
ICE Points this year

Welcome to your Impact Dashboard!

This vibrant space showcases the incredible difference you're making as a valued member of Includability. Here, you'll see exactly how your ICE impact points have been transformed into meaningful actions, supporting various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) through our partnership with B1G1.

Each point you've earned and spent is part of a larger story of change, helping to foster sustainability, education, health, and so much more around the globe. Thank you for being a catalyst for positive impact.

Celebrate your contributions and explore the projects you've helped bring to life—your commitment is truly shaping a better world!

days worth of seeds provided to nourish a child in Malawi

Supporting UN SDG 2

Many impoverished children suffer from diseases of malnutrition and lack the access to nutritious food. This project makes an impact by giving parents a supply of seeds to grow healthy crops, so that they can feed and sustain their children day after day. Maize, vegetable, soya bean, sunflower, peanut and cow pea seeds, along with tree seedlings, are given to subsistence farmers who are trained to develop both large crops and home gardens.

women supported on social media to fight domestic violence

Supporting UN SDGs 5 and 16

One in three Cambodian men admits to having used violence against a partner in the past, indicating the scale of domestic violence. Through structured campaigns, This Life exploits Cambodia’s love of social media to reach large numbers of women at risk of domestic violence. Using social media, we put the power of the law on domestic violence and information about support groups directly into the hands of women at risk, and in the hands of those best placed to help them. Your support enables us to boost our posts within Cambodia to impact even larger numbers of women at a very low cost.

days of access to safe drinking water provided in Cambodia

Supporting UN SDGs 3, 11 and 16

Access to safe drinking water is the foundation to address the issues of health, education, food, and livelihood. This water is provided via the means of a Bio-Sand Water Filter (BSF) that lasts up to two decades, or more, and is able to provide safe water for an entire family. A BSF is a point-of-use water treatment system adapted from traditional slow sand filters. Your support provides clean water for an entire family through a BSF.

square metres of forest protected in Honduras

Supporting UN SDGs 13 and 15

In Honduras, there is an alarming rate of natural habitats being lost to climate change, urban development, and rural-to-urban migration. To counter this, active forest rangers help slow the poaching of trees, water, and wildlife from the Triquilapa and Cantagallo Mountains. Nursery managers also make restoration and reforestation efforts possible to conserve this vital forest. Support these advance community-based efforts that protect biodiversity, and restore habitats that provide 20,000 people with potable water.


days of vitamin doses provided to prevent child blindness in Kenya

Supporting UN SDGs 3 and 10

This project will help prevent child blindness by supporting the distribution of a daily dose of vitamin A supplements to a child in Turkana, Northern Kenya. In the early stages of physical development, it is important that a child receives the correct nutrition. Access to a proper diet is extremely limited in Turkana as people are nomadic pastoralist and live off the blood and milk of their animals. By treating children to prevent blindness you are helping a child living in poverty become more confident and courageous by providing him or her a new chance at life through improved nutrition.

days of teaching materials provided to a nursery school in Ethiopia

Supporting UN SDG 4

This project will help realise the potential of an underprivileged Ethiopian nursery school child by giving him or her one set of educational materials. These schools often lack sufficient school supplies such as pens, pencils and writing pads, and books have to be shared amongst a group of students. Your support for this cause will help these students get much more out of their education and give them a brighter future.

square metres of forest protected from wildfire in Borneo

Supporting UN SDG 15

The rainforests of Borneo, home to the critically endangered orangutan, are threatened with large-scale destruction due to fire. In recent years, droughts have lasted longer and become more frequent. Through this project, we aim to recruit, establish and maintain a permanent fire brigade. We will equip them with specialized firefighting equipment and protective clothing to protect the forest.

days of support provided to a farmer run their beekeeping business in Kenya

Supporting UN SDGs 1, 8 and 15

Running a beekeeping business can be a sustainable and ongoing way of income generation for farmers and entire families. Having a stable source of income can help not only families, but also smaller communities to improve together, have access to nourishing food, a safe living environment and high quality education for the upcoming generations to break the poverty cycle.

meals rescued for disadvantaged communities in the United States

Supporting UN SDGs 2 and 12

In the US, an estimated 40% of food produced is wasted while 1 in 7 people are food insecure. During the pandemic those number worsened, and 54 million Americans were experienced food insecurity. Rescuing Leftover Cuisine gets volunteers to rescue meals that would otherwise go to waste from restaurants and other food businesses and deliver it to the hungry at homeless shelters, food pantries, and soup kitchens.

solar lamp provided to support the studies of a primary school child in Malawi

Supporting UN SDGs 7 and 10

Light up the world by providing solar lamps. Solar lighting helps extend their working day into the evening hours and allows children to study during the evening. These lamps are extremely safe as compared to kerosene lamps or other sources of lighting. They reduce the danger of fire and injury as well as improving the local air quality. Your support goes towards providing a primary school child in Malawi with days of light using a solar lamp, to enable them to study for their exams.