Black Lives Matter UK
Black Lives Matter is a global movement for racial equality and social justice, protesting against police brutality and violence against black people, Black Lives Matter has political arms in the US as well as UK, however not all Black Lives Matter groups are political and prefer to work on a humanitarian basis first and foremost, believe racism transcends politics.

Black Lives Matter UK

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Black Lives Matter UK
About Us
Black Lives Matter is a global movement for racial equality and social justice, protesting against police brutality and violence against black people, Black Lives Matter has political arms in the US as well as UK, however not all Black Lives Matter groups are political and prefer to work on a humanitarian basis first and foremost, believe racism transcends politics.
We are NOT operating in a political capacity, are not a member of, nor are we connected with any political party or political campaign.
BLACKLIVESMATTER.UK is committed in its push to dismantle racism by working with communities and businesses, organisations, institutions and our work is with aim to level up racial inequities in society, in institutions, in the workplace for equity, parity, equality and justice.
Organisation, businesses and Employers we partner with must also be firmly against racism, openly anti-racist are committed to ending racism and use an equitable and accessible process and application system for fair opportunities to be included and equal chances of selection to succeed.
Anti-Racism Commitments
Our policy, aims and objectives is intended for all organisations, businesses and institutions to adopt and to officially denounce racism and all racial inequities. Racism is defined as any program or practice of discrimination, segregation, persecution or mistreatment based on a race or ethnic group as a social structure created for the purpose of one ethnic group dominance over another. Black Lives Matter Anti-racism & Equity Carta is designed to dismantle systemic and systematic, institutional and structural racism that exists throughout, is active within businesses, workplaces, the criminal justice and educational system, throughout societies.
Black Lives Matter anti-racism policy, culture means a practice of opposing racism and promoting racial equality for all children, students, employees, staff and for all our nations citizens to receive equal treatment in the schools, workplaces, institutions, learning establishments, care systems, in society.
Racial equity means the absence of organisational, institutional and structural barriers experienced by people based on race or colours that have impeded and or denied access, opportunities, promotion as a result. Black Lives Matter understands that communities of colour, Black and Brown citizens have experienced centuries of systemic oppression and this needs to be stopped and stopped immediately.
Achieving racial equity requires proactive and continuous work to dismantle systemic oppression. Black Lives Matter is committed to altering systemic power and privilege dynamics and structures in order to hear and elevate underrepresented voices and to recognise and eliminate bias.
Furthermore, Black Lives Matter is committed to non-discrimination with regards to sex, gender, race, colour, national origin, disability, religion, age, physical or mental genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political affiliation or any categorised classification protected by applicable law.
This attitude and commitment will prevail in all policies and practices concerning racism towards children, students m, employees, staff, individuals and to be active with services and entities with whom we do business.
Equity Commitments
BLACKLIVESMATTER.UK abides by this policy in an effort to eliminate intolerance, inequities and social disparities in communities, schools, workplaces, organisations, businesses, in society. Black Lives Matter is movement for change, is diverse, for justice and equal opportunities, where all children, students, employees, staff are supported in reaching their fullest potential. Black Lives Matter acknowledges that complex societal and historical factors contribute to inequalities throughout societies, within our educational system, workplaces, judicial system, in businesses and across nations. Black Lives Matter are intentional in their efforts of replacing the factors including racism, discrimination, and prejudice with attitudes, mutual appreciation ana tolerance and behaviours that reflect acceptance, belonging, compassion, integrity, understanding, fairness, cooperation, respect and humanity.
Black Lives Matter equity means that all children, students, employees, staff receive what they need to develop to their full potential in schools, the workplace, intuitions and in society.
Working towards equity involves:
- Ensuring equally high outcomes for all participants in our systems; removing the predictability of success or failures that currently correlates with any social or cultural factor.
- Interrupting and dismantling harmful or inequitable practices and policies, examining biases and creating a truly inclusive multicultural environment for adults that our children can look to and each in turn taking up the mantle.
- Discovering and cultivating the unique gifts, talents and interests that every human possesses.
Black Lives Matter sets forth a series of expectations with regard to equity in business, institutions and organisations that are against racism.
Intuitions, Organisation, Businesses and Employers against racism will take measures to:
- Develop and promote a culture of high expectations for every, employee and staff member
- Identify and work to eliminate inequities in access to opportunities and opportunity gaps
- Ensure that personal characteristics (real or perceived) will not predict any individual’s career outcomes
- Actively recruit, support, and retain a diverse workforce
- Actively train and support all administrators, employees and staff in implementing this policy including culturally affirming and relevant environments and workplaces
- Engage with employees, staff and the entire workforce to build and sustain a culture that embodies the ideals of this racism and equity policy
- Work to equitably allocate resources to accomplish strategic plan goals.
The subscriber will develop and implement a system-wide equity plan with clear accountability and disaggregated metrics. Accountability measures will include division-wide equity goals. Institutional, organisations, business and administration will identify key focus areas including equitable promoting rates as well as interpersonal areas such as employees’ discipline and staff diversity. The subscriber will annually revisit the areas of focus for their equity work. The subscriber shall regularly report accessible and where appropriate publish progress on the plan and outcomes. The subscribers strategic plan will directly align with this policy.
When institutions, organisations, business, the subscribe be actively anti-racist and fully implement these policy so it will lead to long term change for society in helping to eradicate racism along associated with the long term ramifications affecting Black and Brown people due to racism.
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