The Well HQ to release The Female Body Bible
Our Official Partners The Well HQ have a new book called The Female Body Bible, which is now available for pre-order!

Our Official Partners The Well HQ have a new book called The Female Body Bible, which is now available for pre-order!

Our Official Partners The Well HQ have a new book called The Female Body Bible, which is now available for pre-order!
Authors, Baz Moffat, Dr Emma Ross and Dr Bella Smith started writing this book in 2021, and has been a couple of years in the making, and they can hardly wait to share it with you!
The Well wrote The Female Body Bible as a revolution! This book is designed to revolutionise our understanding of women’s bodies in sport, and how get the best out of them (and avoid the pitfalls sometimes associated with being the driver of a female body!
What is The Female Body Bible about?
This book will help you.
- Harness your hormones to improve your cycle symptoms, work productivity and exercise habits
- Exercise safely and build strength to benefit your long-term health
- Confidently communicate with your health and fitness practitioners, friends, partners or colleagues about health issues you may be facing
- Change the language used to talk to adolescent girls about their bodies, engage them in meaningful conversations and equip them with the confidence to advocate for themselves
- Equip you with knowledge to manage injuries that women are more prone to than men… all while being your best self.
The Well HQ says, "The Revolution starts now. There are no more excuses for anyone involved in sport governance, and coaching as to why they can’t work with female bodies.
"Change starts with this book — and with you."
When will The Well HQ book be released?
The Female Body Bible will be officially released on 11 May, 2023.
The Well HQ say, don’t wait to buy it because there will be bonuses on offer for everyone who pre-orders:
☑️ Get immediate access to download the FIRST chapter!
☑️ Video: How to talk about the taboos female athletes face in Sport. (Internal: what do athletes think Q&A)
☑️ Cheat Sheet: Know your sport bra and get the most out of its performance.
☑️ Worksheet: How to have productive conversations with female athletes about any aspect of women's health
☑️ Be entered to WIN an advanced copy of the book
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