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‍Includability Community Runs for BatonOfHopeUK

Well done to three of our Includability Ambassadors Roxanne McCarthy and Daniel Wilsher who were baton bearers for the BatonOfHopeUK in early July.BatonOfHopeUK is an outstanding cause in which Danny and Roxy have deep connection with.

‍Ambassadors carry Baton to raise awareness of suicide and prevention

Published on
September 19, 2023
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Includability Ambassadors carry Baton to raise awareness of suicide and prevention

*Trigger warning: This blog talks about suicide*

Well done to two of our Includability Ambassadors Roxanne McCarthy and Daniel Wilsher who were baton bearers for the BatonOfHopeUK in early July.

BatonOfHopeUK is an outstanding cause in which Danny and Roxy have deep connection with.

Who are BatonOfHopeUK?

The BatonOfHopeUK is a not-for-profit organisation hosting a baton relay across Manchester to help us move toward a zero suicide society by opening up the conversation and raising awareness and encouraging appropriate action.

Their aim is to seek to change the conversation around suicide, smash the stigma, highlight existing support and leave a lasting legacy of practical improvements in the field of suicide prevention.

Suicide is one of the biggest killers of men and women under 35 in the UK. Seventeen people die by suicide every day in the UK. More people die by suicide than in road traffic accidents, cancer. Most suicides are preventable right up until the last moment.

Why does Roxanne McCarthy champion suicide prevention?

“The coroner recorded a conclusion of suicide.” This is one of the headlines I was reading 3 years ago when my friend took her own life.
“When you stand at the grave of someone the same age, someone full of life, talent, and beauty, it’s really something you can’t ever forget. This feeling and memory motivates me daily to keep talking. I don’t wish for anyone to ever get to the point where they believe life isn’t worth living,” Roxy explained on social media.
“We need to keep sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health. We can all do our bit to help save lives. This is why I work for JAAQ. and volunteer at Samaritans,” she added.

What is Daniel Wilsher's connection to suicide prevention?

Danny also has a personal connection to the cause as he lost his father to depression related suicide at age 9.

“After the walk through the streets of a Manchester I then gave a speech and performed my song ‘learn to live’ at the Baton of Hope event,” he posted on social media.
“The day really was special. The conversations, the shared grief, the stories. But the most special part was hearing how many of us had took it upon ourselves to create change and prevent suicides through our work. We all were fighting for the same cause.
“And that really did bring me hope.”


Well done to Danny and Roxy once again for raising awareness around suicide and prevention causes! They truly are inspiring. Join Includability today to hear more stirring stories from our wonderful Ambassadors who are here to help your business become more inclusive, sustainable and mentally healthy. 

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