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Includability going from strength to strength in creating community connections

Published on
September 1, 2023
Joanne Monck OBE
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Includability community going from strength to strength as our monthly Employer Support Groups (ESGs) cultivate new working relationships

Last Year, our Includability Ambassador, Joanne Monck OBE got in touch with Gemma Green, Impact Organisation Manager for our Official Partner, Matchable and passed the contact on as part of her new role at Believe Globally CIC. She hopes Matchable’s volunteering model will help CEO, Pauline Fynn acquire the expertise needed to get her new venture launched successfully.

What is Believe Globally CIC?

The Believe Foundation is a new charitable organisation which supports victims of domestic abuse. The organisation is headed by Fynn who has over ten years of experience in the criminal justice system. She plans to apply to Matchable for skilled volunteers in one or more of the areas of: Policy expertise, human resources, brand strategy, adult safeguarding and child safeguarding, marketing, PR, and website development to help facilitate a successful launch.

Once launched, Believe Globally CIC and the Believe Foundation will be a two-fold organisation with Believe Globally will offer talks, workshops, consultancy to businesses, and fundraising event with the monies raised going to the Believe Foundation to continue to help victims of domestic abuse.  

They are in talks with various organisations at the moment to have the use of premises and garden space for their work and healing therapy ideas.  

The charity’s cause dear to Joanne’s heart as she has twice been a victim of domestic abuse herself. She has spoken previously to Includability about her ordeals.

Joanne says Believe will be a unique charity as it will be fully inclusive to not just female victims, but also open to children, male victims, people of colour, and LGBT+ members. Her role in organisation will be to talk about her experiences and offer her expertise to educate all communities on the impact of domestic abuse.

“I’ve been a victim of domestic abuse, twice, so it's a subject that's quite dear to my heart, something that I probably didn't realise was happening back then and that's often the case; some victims of domestic abuse feel it's normal. And the pandemic hasn't helped with all these extra cases of domestic abuse,” she said.

How do Believe Globally help domestic abuse survivors?

Domestic abuse has been a growing issue since the start of the pandemic with over 845,000 cases being reported to police forces across England and Wales in the year ending March 2021. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported this is a 6% rise on the year before the pandemic.  

Joanne is hoping to use other Includability contacts to help Believe in their bid to launch this year. She will be seeking to contact Includability Official Partner, BDB Pitmans, for their legal expertise.

Pauline Fynn will be speaking on our February ESG to discuss the Believe organisation further.

Joanne will also be speaking at our March ESG talking about supporting the Transgender community and her own experience with transitioning.    

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