Anna Kennedy Online
We are a small charity with a big heart, that raises Autism Awareness and acceptance

Anna Kennedy Online

Member Details

Partner Experts are Members & Ambassadors that have proved to supply the highest levels of training and support. They have also shown their commitment to excellence through their support of Includability Members & the community.

Who are The Anna Kennedy Online Team?
Anna Kennedy Online is driven by Anna Kennedy OBE and by teams of people who care a lot more about getting it done.
We are a small charity with a big heart, that raises Autism Awareness and acceptance like no other mainstream charity, we are not conventional nor traditional. We are established and passionate about helping society and raising Autism Awareness across the globe by making a difference through our dedication to reaching out and supporting communities right across the UK and beyond. Our charity has integrity and loyalty to helping people and many have benefited from a range of training, events such as the well know Autism's got Talent and Autism Hero Awards, workshops which has left a lifelong positive impact on many lives.
Anna Kennedy Online was formed in 2009 and has been raising awareness throughout various communities by plug in talks within Schools, Colleges, and workplaces to raise Autism Awareness, which in turn has promoted networking and endorsed partnerships in tandem with our powerful social media presence.
The Charity has a strong network and are always looking to collaborate in partnership with reputable people and organisations and with not being a mainstream Charity, we execute elite concepts into efficacious projects that we deliver realistically and do what our mission states.
With our supporters, champions, patrons, and ambassadors many of which are autistic role models making us a strong enthusiastic team, where nothing is impossible.

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