Diversity Policy – Our Commitments
Please find our collection of policies which includes or standards, rules, processes, procedures and supplementary information

Our Policies
Our people
From the start: Diversity and Inclusion is part of our induction process by informing discussing and channeling our message, in order to create a sense of belonging for our employees.
Policies and Practices: Our policies and practices are fair, consistent and transparent.
Systems and Facilities: Our pay and benefit systems are fair, consistent and transparent. Our facilities are inclusive. Assessments for reasonable adjustments are conducted for employees with a disability.
Employee voice: We listen. Diversity and Inclusion are on the agenda at meetings, and in surveys.
Training, transfer and Promotion: We provide opportunities: - Opportunities for training, development and progress are made available to all staff, vacancies will be published to all eligible candidates and decisions will be based on merit (apart from in any necessary and limited exemptions and exceptions allowed under the Equality Act).
All-inclusive culture:
We collaborate: Cross-functional team working, family-friendly solutions e.g. flexible working, and social events are all encouraged. We acknowledge that women, BAME, and those with disabilities are underrepresented in our sector, particularly within management roles.
Treat everyone equally:
- We do not discriminate: Irrespective of the protected characteristics of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, political beliefs or membership or non-membership of a Trade Union or spent convictions and places an obligation upon all staff to respect and act in accordance with our policy.
- We oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination: This includes in pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and discipline, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working, and selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities.
Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities Training:
We invest in our people: Our entire staff are trained in diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities.
The Recruitment Process:
We are committed to applying our policy at all stages of recruitment and selection. We oppose and avoid the unlawful use of the following:
- Direct Discrimination
- Indirect Discrimination
- Victimisation
- Harassment
We welcome all candidates and seek to widen the media in which we recruit to ensure as diverse an employee and candidate base as possible. We use a variety of recruitment channels:- job boards and social media; schools, colleges and universities. We target platforms that we believe are all-inclusive to drive talent from the whole community. We positively encourage applications from all suitable candidates, and do not exclude or disproportionately reduce numbers of applicants with protected characteristics.
Selection Methods
The selection process, including selection criteria and shortlisting, will be carried out consistently for all jobs at all levels and based on job requirements. Staff are expertly trained to ensure decisions are free from unconscious bias. Any testing will be based on job requirements and measure actual or inherent abilities, and devoid of questions, exercises, or scoring which may put a candidates protected characteristic at a disadvantage.
Staff will be clearly informed of selection criteria and the need for their consistent application. All applicants will be interviewed by at least two interviewers, where possible and questions relate to the requirements of the job. Reasonable adjustments will be arranged for candidates with a disability.
- We will strive to make sure that we and our clients meet diversity targets.
- We adhere to our policy at all times and review on an on-going basis all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination.