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DiSRUPT Agency

Our recruitment solutions are designed to meet the bespoke needs of your business and provide support, expertise and flexibility at every stage of the talent acquisition process.

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Partner Experts are Members & Ambassadors that have proved to supply the highest levels of training and support. They have also shown their commitment to excellence through their support of Includability Members & the community.

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Our recruitment solutions are designed to meet the bespoke needs of your business and provide support, expertise and flexibility at every stage of the talent acquisition process.
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Unapologetically different. Socially Responsible Recruitment Solutions.

Our recruitment solutions are designed to meet the bespoke needs of your business and provide support, expertise and flexibility at every stage of the talent acquisition process.

The Ethical Recruiter. Recruitment for B-Corps | Startups | SMEs | Scale-ups

Here at DISRUPT our service offering goes way beyond just recruitment.We have taken the very best of our expertise and innovation from the B Corp certified EllisKnight Recruitment and combined it with the hugely successful Includability Committed Employer Standard to create a unique approach to recruitment services that includes our wealth of experience in Wellbeing, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Mental Health support for all.We’re more interested in measuring impacts than income and supporting growing businesses to build inclusive employment cultures to help attract and retain the very best talent anywhere.

Yep, proper DiSRUPTive!

Modern recruitment services designed for innovating businesses

Like you, we hate recruitment companies... but DiSRUPT Agency is a recruitment company without the bull****. Our services have been designed from the ground up to offer the very best in RPO, On-Demand and Project based recruitment for B-Corp, SME, Scale-up and Startup businesses. Not only that we have a huge benefit offering which outstrips other recruitment companies with purpose designed D&I, Wellbeing and Mental Health Solutions. Plus you will get full access to our unique & celebrated Includability Community.

What is good recruitment?

Great Recruitment Solutions for Clients and Candidates

We believe that good recruitment practise is for vacancies to be accessible to all job seekers and that the process should be tailored to support applicants so that they can represent themselves in the best possible way to suit them.

We love to hear from businesses about their recruitment plans and vacancies they have coming up, but also talking with them about their values, policies and support provided to new members of staff joining the company.

We want to ensure that the candidates we represent are going to good homes.

It’s so important to listen to what job seekers are really looking for and understand their priorities for their next move. We then match this to the great businesses that we are lucky enough to partner with to ensure that they have the right values as well as skillset.

We love to use technology throughout our process, including 2-way video interviews to save Hiring Managers time with conducting first interviews. However, we will always make sure candidates have the opportunity to apply for roles in the best way to suit them.

If you decide to invest in recruiting a new member of staff, then it’s important to us that you see a good return on this investment, which is why we believe that the best recruitment practice is to link our guarantees to candidates successfully passing probation.

DiSRUPT RPO: Flexible RPO Services - Recruitment Processing Outsourcing

Are you struggling to find the right recruitment process for your business. Or do you feel that your recruitment agency doesn't care about what your employees or your organisation needs? Our RPO uses our vast experience to positively disrupt the one-size-fits-all model used by most Recruitment Process Outsourcing companies out there. Find out why at DiSRUPT our Recruitment Process Outsourcing service is unapologetically different.

Traditionally RPOs or Recruitment Process Outsourcing is designed to very quickly stick people into jobs over a 12 Month plus period. The result of this is often that the churn rate of employees becomes very high and that employers are provided with a stack of CV's which they must then quantify.

At DiSRUPT we have developed a service designed to help your organisation grow both from a commercial aspect but also by becoming a more sustainable and inclusive workplace. Along with the latest in candidate tracking, video interviewing and an On-Site recruiter, we ensure any candidates are supported through the process including mental health training for new starters.

Your business will have access to our community at Includability - The standard for Inclusive workforces, and the ability to go through our verification process as part of our RPO package. Along with this we also provide D&I, Wellbeing and Sustainability support, including carbon footprint offsetting for every new starter.

RPO Recruitment

DiSRUPT On-Demand: On Demand Recruitment Solutions

Our On-Demand Recruitment Services allow you to pick and choose when you use us for the recruitment of any new roles within your organisation. DiSRUPT On-Demand recruitment services can save your business time, money and resources. Our innovative platform and expert recruitment consultants will help you find and attract the best talent in the market, faster and more efficiently than traditional recruitment methods.

When providing DiSRUPT On-Demand Recruitment Services our focus is on providing you with a transparent solution with clear communication, from the candidate search all the way to induction. On-Demand has been developed to help find highly experienced and skilled candidates. We understand that typically these types of roles are high priority and often require rare skills. With DiSRUPT we can help minimise the risk of a bad hire by providing a range of additional services for candidates and clients alike, from Mental health training to D&I and sustainability support.

We remove the time and cost constraints of dealing with ill-fitting candidates by providing a completely managed process with measurable accountability.

Our team of retained recruitment experts will be available to help you and your organisation find the right person for your organisation.

On-Demand Recruitment

DiSRUPT Project: Project Recruitment Solutions

Project is essentially a mini-RPO!​ If you are relocating and need to recruit or you have just won a new contract and need to recruit a high volume of roles in a short period of time, then DiSRUPT PROJECT is a great choice.​

Our expertise in providing Project based recruitment growth allows us to help you scale-up your organisation for urgent or business critical growth whilst ensuring that each and every candidate is prepared and supported for the roles that you require.

Our service works like a mini RPO allowing us to offer all the benefits that you require to create a team for a project or mission critical recruitment drive. Key to this is supporting the development by providing quick and repeatable solutions whilst you concentrate on continuing to grow your business.

This works across all sizes of organisations from startups and SMEs to scale-ups all of who are looking to recruit for a specific project or service on a long or short-term period.

Project Recruitment

Mental Health First Aid Training: EVERY DiSRUPT candidate that we place is put through MHFA training.

Like you, we strongly feel that supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your employees is extremely important. That is why, at DiSRUPT we put every candidate we place through Mental Health First Aid training thanks to our partnership with Corin & Co. By committing and investing in Mental Health First Aid support for our candidates, we positively contribute to businesses like yours to help create a positive and supportive work environment. Does your current recruitment partner work in the same way? Are you ready to DiSRUPT? Reach out a tentacle and let’s chat!

Mental health first aid training

DiSRUPT Inclusion: Helping B Corps, Startups and SMEs to align equality and diversity training objectives

We know the importance of ensuring every company has a focus and strategy around Diversity & Inclusion. We also understand that it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start or how to continue to make progress. Therefore, you will be delighted to know that we have partnered with the incredible D&I Consultancy – Your D+I to either help you start your D&I journey or to compliment what you already have in place. Empower your workforce to create a more inclusive, equitable and respectful work environment. The expert-led training covers a range of topics, including unconscious bias, cultural competency, and microaggressions, providing your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate and address diversity and inclusion challenges in the workplace. Does your current recruitment partner work like this? Be more DiSRUPT. Let’s work together for an inclusive future

DiSRUPT Inclusion

DiSRUPT Wellbeing: Helping SMEs to develop wellbeing strategies for a healthy workforce

Create a Wellbeing Operating Model & Roadmap that delivers your Strategy. We do this through analysis and workshops around what capabilities you want to pursue in order to deliver the full spectrum of wellbeing across your teams. By creating this understanding, we can help you create a positive and fulfilling work environment. By Investing in the wellbeing of your employees and workforce, you will be empowering them to lead happier and healthier lives, resulting in increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work culture. Happy people leads to a Happy business.

DiSRUPT Wellbeing

DiSRUPT Impact: The roadmap to help your businesses amplify it’s impact

DiSRUPT Impact is designed to scale up and amplify your company’s positive impact on people and planet, utilising the resources available to you. Powered by Keartland & Co, they will work closely with you to develop a roadmap to gain a better understanding on what to prioritise, and provide you with the guidance to make it happen. With their support, you'll be able to reduce your environmental impact, improve your reputation, and gain a competitive advantage in today's socially conscious marketplace.

DiSRUPT Impact

DiSRUPT B Corp: Helping SMEs, Scaleups, Startups and Ethical Businesses become B-Corp Certified

If you are seeking to make a positive impact on the world while also running a successful business, then look no further than our B Corp certification services. Our team of experts will guide you through the certification process, ensuring that your company meets the rigorous standards of a B Corp. By becoming certified, your company will join a community of like-minded businesses that prioritize social and environmental impact alongside financial success.


The home of committed and inclusive businesses: Supporting the recruitment process by creating inclusive workforces with Includability

We believe so much in the importance of building an inclusive workforce, we went one step further and created our own 'Includability Committed Employer' standard to change workplace culture and to help businesses grow into inclusive, committed and more diverse organisations. Includability now has over 50 members, 60 Ambassadors and 100's of committed partners and people all dedicated to our inclusive community.

Becoming DiSRUPTive: Our transformation from EllisKnight to DiSRUPT

We love recruitment, we hate recruitment agencies. We've known since the COVID-19 lockdown that EllisKnight 'The Ethical Recruiter' needed to be reborn. We had to make sure we offered not only the best possible recruitment process, using a tried and tested innovative full stack of technology but also to provide business development solutions for our B-Corp, SME, Scale-up and Startup clients.

Frequently asked questions

Got a question? We have the answers to a huge range of tantalising and exciting questions about recruitment, sustainability, being a B-corp, joining planet mark and how to become a more inclusive and diverse workplace. If its not there then just ask, we are here to help.

Our FAQs

Give us a tickle today: Contact DiSRUPT Agency - F'in, awesome Recruitment Services

Why not book a free discovery call today to discuss your first step to a better way of recruiting your workforce. Whether its On-demand, Project based or a Full RPO, we are hear to listen and help guide you towards being the best you can be.

Tickle some tentacles

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With 100's of experts in creating an inclusive workplace we can help you grow

Whether your business is an international brand or a small local company Includability can help benefit you and your team. Our membership offers not only exclusive unlimited access to our job board, but special discounts, community webinars and great support for your business as you grow. Find out why organisations choose the Includability community to help them offer a more inclusive workplace

Our Includability Members

More amazing organisations that are striving to create a more inclusive society

Our members are dedicated to helping create a society that is free from discrimination, that cares for our planet and has genuine focus on our colleagues, friends and employees Mental Health and Wellbeing. That is what Community means to us and we would love for you to be a part of it.

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We are the home of inclusive employers

Why Join Includability?

If you are a company that is committed to creating an inclusive, sustainable and mentally healthy workplace culture, we understand the potential challenges that you may come up against.

Analyse & Identify

Our 6-call verification process, conducted by expert Verification Partners, meticulously analyses your organisation’s practices. This is followed by a Verification Partner Report that identifies areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

Education & Support

You will benefit from regular informative and educational webinars, resources and a community of ambassadors, Partner Experts and exclusive member benefits.


As an organisation, the key to making meaningful progress is communicating effectively, regularly and with transparency. Our community, who are all passionate about our key pillars, are available to offer you advice, support and guidance when needed.


Individually we can make a difference, but together we can instigate meaningful and positive change. The Includability team is here to make introductions, encourage the sharing of best practice and support each other as we navigate our way to the inclusive and sustainable workplace culture we are all striving to achieve.

Don’t underestimate the power of collaboration.

To create an inclusive workplace culture takes expertise and knowledge which is why we encourage our members to work together. Our regular community networking sessions will provide you access to our directory of Ambassadors, members and advisors so you know that the people you are working with will not only give you the right advice but also share the same values as you.


Relationships are more than just about completing a job or task which is why we use the word community. What we think you’ll love most about Includability is that every person and business has the same values and is working towards the same goal - to create a society that is free from discrimination, that cares for our planet and has genuine focus on our colleagues, friends and employees’ Mental Health and Wellbeing.

News & Articles

Includability News & Articles

Our news and articles section is designed to help you find information about all areas of the Includability community. We have collected articles from the experts at the forefront in developing a diverse, inclusive and sustainable world. We have news, expert articles, case studies and advice.

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